. 1998. Evaluation of organic wastes as soil amendments for cultivation of carrot and chard on irrigated sandy soils. Can. J. Soil Sci. 78: 217-225. A field trial was designed to test the potential of various wastes as soil amendments in horticultural production. Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris L.) and carrot (Daucas carota L.) were grown during 1993-1995 under irrigation in a coarse-textured, British Columbia soil to which annual applications of 45 t ha -1 of various organic amendments plus NPK-fertilizers had been applied. The amendments included biosolids from Vancouver, Kelowna and Penticton, biowastes from Aldergrove and Abbotsford, and peat. Yield of both chard and carrot was increased for some organic treatments plus fertilizer relative to plots receiving commercially recommended rates of NPK-fertilizer only (control plots). Leaf N, P, Zn and Cu concentrations of both crops were usually elevated, but not to toxic values, in plots receiving wastes containing high concentrations of the respective nutrients. By the end of the third growing season, extractable P, Zn and Cu increased in the surface 15 cm of soil, relative to control plots, with P and Cu increases evident to 30 cm depth. Extractable K and pH varied, with applied waste with some treatments having higher and other treatments lower values than in control plots. The cumulative evidence suggested that many locally produced biosolids and biowastes have the potential to improve soil quality and the growth of high value horticultural crops. Quelques traitements organiques avec fumure NPK suscitaient un accroissement du rendement chez la poirée et chez la carotte par rapport aux parcelles ne recevant que NPK (parcelles témoins). Les concentrations foliaires de N, P, Zn et Cu des deux cultures étaient habituellement élevées, sans atteindre pour autant le seuil de toxicité, dans les parcelles recevant les boues contenant de fortes concentrations de ces éléments. Au terme de la troisième année de croissance, les teneurs en P, Zn et Cu extractibles augmentaient dans les 15 premiers cm du sol par rapport aux parcelles témoins, l'accroissement de P et de Cu s'observant, par ailleurs jusqu'à 30 cm de profondeur. Le K extractible et le pH variaient en présence des boues, avec des valeurs tantôt plus hautes, tantôt plus basses que dans les parcelles témoins. A partir de ces observations, il appert que de nombreux déchets organiques produits sur place peuvent améliorer la qualité du sol et la croissance de certaines cultures horticoles lucratives.