Gender equality is a manifestation of the equal condition of men and women in obtaining their rights as human beings in order to be able to play a role and participate in political, economic, socio-cultural activities and equality in enjoying the results of development. The environment is very important for human life because a clean environment makes it comfortable to live in, free from various kinds of diseases and air pollution so that the air becomes clean and fresh. The environment becomes unhealthy and can interfere with daily activities and cause diseases that disrupt people's lives. Therefore, there is a need for an active role of men and women (gender) without discrimination in maintaining and preserving a clean and healthy living environment. The purpose of this writing is to find out gender issues in environmental health. The method used is systematic literaure review. Of the 50 selected International articles obtained from Goolge Scholar, PubMed, Emerald Insight, DOAJ, 32 articles discussing Gender and the environment, 5 that meet the Eligibility criteria, were analyzed and came to conclusions. To solve gender problems more effectively, gender socialization or training activities and other forms of activities among officials and communities need to involve both parties, women and men together. By improving gender equality and justice, it is hoped that it will improve and keep the environment clean and healthy. So to encourage the implementation of gender-responsive environmental development not only through policies, programs, and activities but real steps are needed through a massive change movement and a change in mindset and paradigm from all segments of society and if efforts to save the environment and achieve a healthy community life must also be supported by integrating gender equality values