t he fear-avoidance model of musculoskeletal pain (FAM) has been highlighted as a psychological model of potential importance for rehabilitation. 33 The FAM proposes that during a musculoskeletal pain episode, anxiety, pain-related fear, and pain catastrophizing interact to determine whether an individual will resume normal activities (low psychological distress) or will avoid normal activities due to anticipation of increased pain and/or reinjury (high psychological distress). 33,35,60 The FAM suggests that high psychological distress will be associated with poor clinical outcomes, potentially resulting in depressive symptoms, elevated pain intensity, greater physical impairments, and continued disability. 33,35,60 Evidence supporting validity of the FAM can be found in the clinical studies of low back pain (LBP). Longitudinal studies have indicated that elevated FAM measures were predictive of poor outcomes for individuals with LBP. 2,12,14,44,46,52 Furthermore, effective FAM treatment strategies have been reported, including patient education, 3,5 graded exercise, 13,36 and graded exposure. 6,20,21,37,58,59 While portions of the FAM are well supported in the literature, there are unresolved questions and issues affecting its application in clinical settings.
33One unresolved issue is related to measurement of FAM constructs in outpatient physical therapy settings, which is the focus of this particular study. The FAM is associated with multiple psychological constructs, and there are several available measurement tools. Examples include the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ), 61 Fear of Pain Questionnaire (FPQ), 40 Tampa �ca-Tampa �ca-le for Kinesiophobia (T�K), 64 and Pain Catastrophizing �cale (PC�). 49 Typically, psychometric studies incorporate 1 or 2 t sTuDY DesiGn: Validity and test-retest reliability of questionnaires related to the fear-avoidance model (FAM).t oBJeCTiVe: To investigate test-retest reliability, construct redundancy, and criterion validity for 4 commonly used FAM measures.t BaCkGrounD: Few studies have reported psychometric properties for more than 2 FAM measures within the same cohort, making it difficult to determine which specific measures should be implemented in outpatient physical therapy settings.t MeTHoDs: Fifty-three consecutive patients (mean age, 44.3 18.5 years) with chronic low back pain participated in this study. Data were collected with validated measures for FAM constructs, including the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ), Fear of Pain Questionnaire (FPQ), Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia, and Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Validated measures were used to investigate criterion validity of the FAM measures, including the Patient Health Questionnaire for depression, the numerical rating scale for pain intensity, the Physical Impairment Scale for physical impairment, and the Oswestry Disability Questionnaire for self-report of disability. Test-retest reliability of the FAM measures was determined with intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC 2,1 ) for total ...