The vomeronasal system serves as a pivotal element in mammalian sensory biology, allowing the perception of chemical signals essential for social communication via the activation of two main receptor families, V1R and V2R. The expression of V1Rs and V2Rs is linked with that of the G-protein alpha-subunits, Gαi2 and Gαo, respectively. The exploration of the evolutionary pathways of V1Rs and V2Rs across all mammalian species remains a main challenge, juxtaposing available genomic data against emerging immunohistochemical evidence. However, recent investigations, in contrast to what is predicted by the currently annotated genomic sequences, have revealed the expression of Gαo in the vomeronasal neuroepithelium of wild canids, including wolves and foxes. In the present study, the employment of a specific antibody raised against the mouse V2R2, member of the C-family of vomeronasal receptors, V2Rs, has confirmed the expression of this receptor in the fox and wolf, but it has revealed the lack of expression in the dog. This may reflect the impact of domestication on the regression of the VNS in this species, in contrast to their wild counterparts, and underscores the effects of artificial selection on sensory functions. Thus, these findings suggest a more refined chemical detection capability in wild species.