It is essential to know the timing and process of normal gonadal differentiation and development in the specific species being investigated in order to evaluate the effect of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals on these processes. In the present study gonadal sex differentiation and development were investigated in embryos of a viviparous species of marine fish, the eelpout, Zoarces viviparus, during their intraovarian development (early September to January) using light and electron microscopy. In both sexes of the embryos at the time of hatching (September 20) the initially undifferentiated paired bilobed gonad contains primordial germ cells. In the female embryos, ovarian differentiation, initiated 14 days posthatch (dph), is characterized by the initial formation of the endoovarian cavity of the single ovary as well as by the presence of some early meiotic oocytes in a chromatin-nucleolus stage. By 30 dph, the endoovarian cavity has formed. By 44 dph and onward, the ovary and the oocytes grow in size and at 134 dph, just prior to birth, the majority of the oocytes are at the perinucleolar stage of primary growth and definitive follicles have formed. In the presumptive bilobed testis of the male embryos, the germ cells (spermatogonia), in contrast to the germ cells of the ovary, remain quiescent and do not enter meiosis during intraovarian development. However, other structural (somatic) changes, such as the initial formation of the sperm duct (30 dph), the presence of blood vessels in the stromal areas of the testis (30 dph), and the appearance of developing testicular lobules (102 dph), indicate testicular differentiation. Ultrastructually, the features of the primordial germ cells, oogonia, and spermatogonia are similar, including nuage, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi complexes.