Studies on wild Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) have revealed variation in reproduction between areas, years and individuals. In order to explore potential causes for this variation other than food supply, we analysed data from captive lynx, which provide conditions with minimal environmental variation as all were fed ad libitum. Data from 37 individual female lynx were available from 20 zoos in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. Data on 177 reproductive events (where a male was available to the female at mating time) are presented. Of these events, 85% resulted in litters being born. Average litter size was 1.95, with a variation from 1 to 4. The mean birth date was 26th May, and sex ratio was not significantly different from parity. The probability of reproduction was related to age, with fewer litters produced by the very young (2-3-year old), and no sign of a senescence effect. However, a clear effect of senescence on litter size was evident. The captive lynx did not have higher reproductive rates than wild lynx, indicating that either factors other than food supply are driving the variation in wild lynx reproduction, or that a factor such as stress may be causing additional variation in the captive population.