Life history theory suggests a trade-off between costly activities such as breeding and migration and somatic self-maintenance. However, how the short-term cost of parental effort is expressed in species with a slow pace-of-life is not well understood. Also, investigating carry-over effects of migration is most meaningful when comparing migratory strategies within the same population, but this has rarely been done. We explore this hypothesis in a long-lived, pelagic seabird, the Cory's Shearwater, Calonectris borealis, where males display partial migration. By manipulating reproductive effort and taking advantage of the natural variation in migratory strategy, we investigate whether early reproductive failure and migratory strategy had implications on the physical condition of males on return to the colony the following year. We experimentally induced breeding failure from mid-incubation, tracked the over-winter movements of these males and of males that invested in parental effort, and assessed innate immunity, stress, and residual body mass the following year. Early breeding failure resulted in earlier return to the colony among all males, associated with greater probability of reproductive success. Residents had a lower tail feather fault bar intensity, an indicator of stress during the non-breeding period, compared to migrants. Reproductive effort and migratory strategy had no impact on physiological condition otherwise. Our results provide evidence that in species with a slow-pace of life, such as the Cory's Shearwater, somatic maintenance is prioritised, with the costs of reproduction and migration paid in delayed arrival date.