Several morphologically defined species of cichlid fishes (Cichlasoma) endemic to the Cuatro Cienegas basin of Mexico and differing in tooth structure, body shape, and diet are allelically identical at 27 gene loci. The resence of only one Mendelian population in each of three drainage systems studied and the occurrence of two of the morphotypes in the same broods indicate that the supposed species are morphs. That trophic radiation in the Cuatro Cienegas cichlids has been achieved through ecological polymorphism rather than speciation raises questions regarding the genetic basis for the extensive intralacustrine radiation of cichlids in Africa and elsewhere. The discovery of a flock of endemic species of cichlid fishes (Cichlasoma) in the isolated Cuatro Cienegas basin of Coahuila, Mexico, was reported by Taylor and Minckley (1-3), who analogized the situation to the extensive adaptive radiation of cichlids in the rift valley lakes of Africa (4-6). Three species were recognized: a snail-eating type with molariform (crushing) teeth and a short gut; a detritus-or alga-feeding form with papilliform teeth and a long gut; and a fish-eating species with a fusiform body. La Bounty (7) recently distinguished two piscivorous species, one having molariform and the other papilliform teeth.The genetic structure of populations of the snail-and detritus-eating types was studied by Kornfield and Koehn (8), who examined proteins electrophoretically in samples from three localities. Failing to demonstrate either interspecific or interlocality variation, they concluded that speciation has occurred without genic differentiation. However, another interpretation is that the morphological "species" are morphs of a single species.To determine the genetic basis for adaptive radiation in the Cuatro Cienegas cichlids, we have re-examined their morphology, ecology, and genetic structure. Our analysis indicates that radiation has been achieved through polymorphism rather than speciation.MATERIALS AND METHODS Samples. Collections were made in January and May, 1974, in three of the seven drainage systems at Cuatro Cienegas (2): (a) a 100-m stretch of the Rio Churince, i km from its origin at Laguna Churince; (b) Poso de la Becerra; and (c) Laguna El Mojarral. A sample of the widely distributed species Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum was collected at Socavon Spring near Musquiz, Coahuila, in May, 1974. Analysis of Gut Contents and Morphology. The stomach and intestine and the ventral pharyngeal jaw plate (9) were fixed in 10% formalin. Contents of the guts of 128 of the larger Cuatro Cienegas fishes were scored for the presence or absence of (1) snails; (2) plant leaves, stems, or flowers; (3) fishes; and (4) arthropods.Eight measurements were made on specimens of a standard body length (10) Of the 128 digestive tracts examined, 83 contained one or more of the four major food types; the numbers of tracts with one, two, or three types were 59, 22, and 2, respectively, for a total of 109 food type records. Numbers (and percentages) of tra...