(1) Background: We report a very unusual presentation of pseudoaneurysm developed following a robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) with bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection. The patient was a 66-year-old male, admitted at the Emergency Department 20 days after discharge from RARP due to chest pain, lipothymia and occult bleeding, necessitating a blood transfusion and a moderate increase of serum troponin. Angiography showed a pseudo-aneurysm involving the inferior-epigastric artery pubic branch. The patient underwent percutaneous embolization with complete resolution. The aim of this study is to offer an overview on pseudoaneurysms developed as radical prostatectomy complications; (2) Methods: A literature search was conducted on Scopus and PubMed for pseudoaneurysms after RARP to analyze all the previously published cases. The search terms used were “pseudoaneurysm” and “prostatectomy” using the Boolean Operator “AND”. We used the default search strategy “all fields”; (3) Results: Herein, a narrative review is proposed to facilitate the approach to this emerging clinical challenge, due to both an implementing in diagnosis imaging techniques and a spread of robotic surgery in prostate cancer; (4) Conclusions: The management of radical prostatectomy complications still remains barely uniformed and needs to be precisely calibrated as the initial cure approach itself.