Seven chromosome counts of six species from the family Asteraceae are reported. All taxa were collected from Hamedan province, Iran. One count is a new report (viz Inula aucheriana), three are not in accordance with previous counts (viz Senecio glaucus, Tanacetum chiliophyllum and Tanacetum polycephalum) and the others (viz Tripleurospermum disciforme, Tanacetum polycephalum, T. parthenium) are confirmations of very limited (one to eight records) previous data. Most of the studied taxa have the basic number x=9, but Senecio glaucus has x=10, with ploidy levels ranging from 2x to 8x. Both diploidy and triploidy were found in T. chiliophyllum and may be regarded as a sign of ongoing speciation.