WHAT'S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Anabolic-androgenic steroid misuse is not uncommon among adolescent boys, and initial use in adolescence is associated with a host of maladaptive outcomes, including cardiovascular, endocrine, and psychiatric complications.
WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS:This is the first known study to examine prevalence rates of anabolic-androgenic steroid misuse as a function of sexual orientation. A dramatic disparity was found, in that sexual minority boys reported misuse at a much higher rate than heterosexual boys. RESULTS: Sexual minority adolescent boys were at an increased odds of 5.8 (95% confidence interval 4.1-8.2) to report a lifetime prevalence of AAS (21% vs 4%) compared with their heterosexual counterparts, P , .001. Exploratory analyses suggested that increased depressive symptoms/suicidality, victimization, and substance use contributed to this disparity.CONCLUSIONS: This is the first known study to test and find substantial health disparities in the prevalence of AAS misuse as a function of sexual orientation. Prevention and intervention efforts are needed for sexual minority adolescent boys. Pediatrics 2014;133:469-475