Cystocarpic and spermatangial plants of rarely reported red alga Bonnemaisonia geniculata Gardner, epiphytic on Odonthalia Aoccosa (Esp.) Falk, were collected from june to September 1975 at shell Beach, california. Carpospores inoculated into unialgal culture divided, upon germination, in to two daughter cells, both of which formed erect and rhizoidal axes, Erect axes were uniseriale and alternately branched with a distictive zigzag pattern of axial cells. No tetrasporangia developed in culture. The presumptive tetrasporangia developed in culture to a described genus. Plants morphologically similar to those cultured from carpospores were found at the collection site; they bore tetrasporangia from February to june. Cullured letrasporews gave rise to male and female plants similar to those of field‐collected B. geniculate in ca. a I:I ratio. Fertile female plants in the presence of male plants formed cystocarps. Carpospores gave rise to the alternately branched tetrasporophyte phase. Bonnemaisonia geniculate has a heteromorphic life history involving a previously undescribed tetrasporophyte.