Günümüzde, internet ve çevrimiçi cinsel aktiviteler çoğu insan tarafından kullanılan kolay erişilebilir bir ortamdır. İnternetin günlük hayatımızda giderek popüler bir hal alması, cinsellik üzerinde birtakım değişimlere neden olmuştur. Bu değişimler internet cinselliği, siber seks, sanal seks gibi yeni kavramları literatüre geçirmiştir. Siber seksin, cinsel temas olmaksızın gerçekleşmesi, cinsel yolla bulaşan enfeksiyonlardan sakınılan güvenli bir ortam algısının yanı sıra, aile ilişkilerine ve evlilik hayatına olumsuz etkileri ABSTRACT The Internet is a tool we use frequently in our daily lives and has become an environment used by most people for sexual activities. The popularity of the Internet in our daily lives has also led to changes in sexuality. The low cost of access to sites with sexual content, and the ability to express sexual fantasies on the Internet more popularly increases this popularity. The use of pornography on the Internet is intended for online sexual intercourse and masturbation, but a new environment has been created with sex shops on the Internet. With the widespread use of pornography, adolescent development has also been affected and increased the likelihood of adolescents having sexual intercourse at an early age. False sexuality is learned because of little or no use of internet-based sexual education websites. With the use of the Internet, cost-effective education can be provided to large audiences and sexual health can be improved. The Internet has influenced the diversity of natural sexuality and has made users adopt uniform sexuality. However, it also helps the gay and bisexual men discover their sexuality or reveal their sexual identity. The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet as well as the sexuality are discussed.