Sexuality in dementia is infrequently addressed. Dementia is characterized by a progressive deterioration in all domains of functioning, including loss of sexual function. However, the diagnosis of dementia does not mean an immediate or complete cessation of sexuality in the person, or a loss of the ability to consent to sexual activity with a partner. A discussion of sexuality in dementia occurs infrequently in clinical care for several reasons. These include (a) a discomfort in discussing sexuality in older adults, (b) the fear of causing social or cultural offense, and (c) the assumption that the cessation of the reproductive period implies the end of sexual life in older adults. There is also a tendency to focus on the preservation of cognition and independence, with relative neglect of the need for physical and emotional intimacy or quality of life. Patients with dementia are more likely to be sexually active than not. The most common change is a lack or loss or sexual desire. Inappropriate sexual behaviors occur in a minority of patients (28%) and can be usually managed with behavioral measures, with the use of pharmacotherapy for symptomatic management in refractory cases. Other clinical and ethical concerns in dementia include the capacity to consent to sexual intimacy, the formation of new relationships, sexuality in long-term residential facilities, and vulnerability to sexual abuse. Dementia care guidelines recommend a low threshold of suspicion for abuse, with a focus on patient safety. These must, however, be counterweighed by respect for patient autonomy and wishes.