Universities are commonly imagined as “enlightened institutions” that leave no room for discrimination. While studies from other countries and some studies from German universities cast doubt on this notion, the extent and characteristics of university students’ experiences of discrimination in Germany are not yet sufficiently researched. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess university students’ experiences of discrimination in a cross-sectional online survey. A total of 890 students completed the questionnaire. Of these, 45% reported that they had witnessed discrimination in the university, while 28% reported first-hand experiences. For those who had experienced discrimination themselves, it occurred repeatedly (68%) or regularly (15.5%). The most common grounds for discrimination were sex or gender (33% of all reported grounds for discrimination), non-German origin (12.5%) and having a chronic illness (7%). University lecturers were mentioned most often (by 80% of those who reported discrimination) as the perpetrators of discrimination. Taking these findings into consideration, universities should revisit their policies and structures that protect students against discrimination and support them in the case of harassment. This could entail obligatory training for university employees but should also consider that the university’s hierarchical structure facilitates abuses of power and can therefore be considered a variable in its own right.