The European Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) project started in 1993 as an industry forum providing the specifications for digital broadcast. Afterwards, the first Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) system, DVB‐Terrestrial (DVB‐T), was standardized in 1997, and one year later, the first DVB‐T broadcast began in Sweden and the UK. In September 2009, ETSI published the first version of the second generation standard (DVB‐T2), where the data‐carrying capacity of a single Radio Frequency (RF) broadcast channel was notably increased. Specifically, a minimum capacity increase of 30% was achieved as well as improved SFN performances, a mechanism to reduce the peak‐to‐average‐power ratio (PAPR), sand a flexible frame structure for Physical Layer Pipes (PLPs). This article starts with a system overview of the DVB‐T2 standard, and then, the general architecture of the DVB‐T2 transceiver is comprehensively described module by module. This work also gathers a comprehensive review of the available implementation and evaluation results of the standard.