In this work, we study the long-standing experimental anomaly in muon (g −2) and also recent anomalous excess in $$ {K}_L\to {\pi}^0+v\overline{v} $$
at the J-PARC KOTO experiment with sgoldstino. After supersymmetry breaking, the interactions between quarks and sgoldstino (s) make the decays K → π + s sizable through loop diagrams, which affects the measurements of decays K → π + invisible. Furthermore, the couplings between photons and sgoldstino contribute to ∆aμ as well as the bino-slepton contribution. With satisfying all known experimental constraints such as from NA62, E949, E137, Orsay, KTEV and CHARM experiments, these two anomalies can be explained simultaneously. The mass of CP-even sgoldstino is close to the neutral pion mass which does not violate the Grossman-Nir bound. The parameter space can be further tested in future NA62, DUNE experiments, as well as experiments in the LHC.