This Scientific Prospectus is based on pre-cruise JOIDES panel discussions and scientific input from the designated Co-Chief Scientists on behalf of the drilling proponents. The operational plans within reflect JOIDES Planning Committee and thematic panel priorities. During the course of the cruise, actual site operations may indicate to the Co-Chief Scientists and the Operations Manager that it would be scientifically or operationally advantageous to amend the plan detailed in this prospectus. It should be understood that any proposed changes to the plan presented here are contingent upon approval of the Director of the Ocean Drilling Program in consultation with the Science and Operations Committees (successors to the Planning Committee) and the Pollution Prevention and Safety Panel.Technical Editor: Karen K. Graber Leg 180 will drill a transect of three sites just ahead of the spreading tip: ACE-9a on the down flexed northern margin; ACE-8a through the rift basin sediments, the low-angle normal fault zone, and into the footwall; and ACE-3c near the crest of the footwall fault block (Moresby Seamount).The primary objectives at these sites are (1) to characterize the composition and in situ properties (stress, permeability, temperature, pressure, physical properties, and fluid pressure) of an active low-angle normal fault zone to understand how such faults slip, and (2) to determine the vertical motion history of both the downflexed hanging wall and the unloaded footwall as local groundtruth for input into regional models to determine the timing and amount of extension prior to spreading initiation.