“…By contrast, flattened Amphistegina radiata, large soritids and miliolids are best represented in deeper and quieter environments, along euphotic foreslopes and in lagoonal bottoms. These free-living forms occur as epiphytes or colonizing hard or sandy substrates (Debenay, 1985;Hallock and Glenn, 1986;Hottinger, 1983;Montaggioni, 1981;Montaggioni and Vénec-Peyré, 1993;Reiss and Hottinger, 1984;Renema, 2010;Vénec-Peyré, 1991). They are generally associated with smaller foraminiferal forms, including miliolids, cymbaloporids, rotaliids, elphidiids, nodosariids, among others.…”