Flavor-violating interactions of the stop-quarks are expected to provide additional few GeV contribution to the Higgs-Boson mass particularly when it mixes with scharm-quarks, thereby allowing reduced supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking scale compared to flavor-conserving constrained minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM). Inspired by this, we analyze the aforementioned interactions in the context of CMSSM using the information entropy of the Higgs-Boson for a wide region of flavor-violating CMSSM parameter space (m 0 , m 1/2 , A 0 , tan β, sgn(µ), δ ij ct ) with i, j representing left and right chiralities of squarks. Our information-theoretic analysis of the aforementioned model reveals the most favorable values of (m 0 , m 1/2 , A 0 , tan β, δ ij ct ) to be (4.30 TeV, 2.32 TeV, −4.96 TeV, 22.8, 0.037) and (4.16 TeV, 3.89 TeV, −4.10 TeV, 19.4, 0.039) for (i, j) = (L, R) and (R, L), respectively, corresponding to the maximum entropy which suggest the SUSY breaking scale to be about 5 TeV thereby allowing considerably sparticles masses than the flavorconserving CMSSM.