Numerical layout optimization provides a computationally efficient and generally applicable means of identifying the optimal arrangement of bars in a truss. When the plastic layout optimization formulation is used, a wide variety of problem types can be solved using linear programming. However, the solutions obtained are frequently quite complex, particularly when fine numerical discretizations are employed. To address this, the efficacy of two rationalization techniques are explored in this paper: (i) introduction of 'joint lengths', and (ii) application of geometry optimization. In the former case this involves the use of a modified layout optimization formulation, which remains linear, whilst in the latter case a non-linear optimization post-processing step, involving adjusting the locations of nodes in the layout optimized solution, is undertaken. The two rationalization techniques are applied to example problems involving both point and distributed loads, self-weight and multiple load cases. It is demonstrated that the introduction of joint lengths reduces structural complexity at negligible computational cost, though generally leads to increased volumes. Conversely, the use of geometry optimization carries a computational cost but is effective in reducing both structural complexity and the computed volume.