The g factors of three high spin isomers in 187,189,191 Au have been measured, using the time differential perturbed angular distributions. The reactions used and the results obtained for the g factors and the lifetimes are: 172 Yb( 19 F, 4nγ) 187 Au, g (31/2 − or 35/2 − ) = 0.25 (3), T 1/2 = 102 (5) ns; 181 Ta( 12 C, 4nγ) 189 Au, g (31/2 + ) = 0.42 (2), T 1/2 = 242 (10) ns; and 176 Yb( 19 F, 4nγ) 191 Au, g (31/2 + ) = 0.42 (3) T 1/2 = 402 (20) ns. These results show that the structure of these isomers is consistent with a 1 proton, 2 neutrons structure. The experimental set-up was cheked by measuring the g factor of the Coulomb excited 197 keV, T