This research focuses on the synthesis of linkage parameters for a bistable compliant system (BSCS) to be widely implemented within space applications. Initially, BSCS was theoretically modeled as a crank-slider mechanism, utilizing pseudo-rigid-body model (PRBM) on stiffness coefficient (v), with a maximum vertical footprint (bmax) for enhancing vibration characteristics. Correlations for mechanism linkage parameters (MLPs) and responses (v and bmax) were set up by utilizing analysis of variance for response surface (RSM) technique. RSM evaluated the impact of MLPs at individual/interacting levels on responses. Consequently, a hybrid genetic algorithm-based particle swarm/flock optimization (GA-PSO) technique was employed and optimized at multiple levels for assessing ideal MLP combinations, in order to minimize characteristics (10%
+ 90% of bmax). Finally, GA-PSO estimated the most appropriate Pareto-frontal optimum solutions (PFOS) from nondominance set and crowd/flocking space approaches. The resulting PFOS from validation trials demonstrated significant improvement in responses. The adapted GA-PSO algorithm was executed with ease, extending the convergence period (through GA) and exhibiting a good diversity of objectives, allowing the development of large-scale statistics for all MLP permutations as optimal solutions. A vast set of optimal solutions can be used as a reference manual for mechanism developers.