Using scanning nearfield optical microscopy, the photoluminescence characteristics of individual InGaAs quantum dots is investigated. At low temperatures an ensemble of narrow lines is observed, caused by different carrier interactions within a quantum dot. A trion and a biexciton line can be identified in the ground-state region at low excitation power, showing much larger binding energies than previously reported for III-V quantum dots. This behavior can be explained by an inhomogeneous stoichiometry profile in InGaAs quantum dots.1 Introduction Self-organized semiconductor quantum dots are attracting considerable interest due to their peculiar physical properties, which are promising for a variety of applications in optoelectronic devices [1]. The realization of such quantum-dot based devices requires detailed knowledge about the optical and electronic properties of quantum dots, which is preferably obtained by single-dot spectroscopy because of the inhomogeneous size distribution of quantum dots. For this purpose we used scanning nearfield optical microscopy (SNOM) in internal-reflection geometry with a Ag-coated fiber tip. This leads to a lateral optical resolution of about 250 nm, which is sufficient to investigate the photoluminescence signal of individual quantum dots with -in the present case -a density of 10 9 /cm 2 . The quantum dots are excited using an Ar-ion laser, and the photoluminescence signal is analyzed by a monochromator and detected by a Peltier-cooled InGaAs photodiode. The microscope can be cooled to temperatures as low as 80 K. We investigated In 0.4 Ga 0.6 As quantum dots with a ground-state recombination energy around 0.93 eV at room temperature. They were grown using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on a GaAs(001) substrate and subsequently covered by thin GaAs and AlGaAs layers [2]. According to transmission-electron microscopy investigations the quantum dot shape comes close to a truncated pyramid with a baselength of about 17 nm and a height in the order of 3 nm [2].The photoluminescence signal of our sample is characterized basically by three lines, a ground-state, a first and a second excited-state transition, which can be assigned to transitions from electron states separated by about 60-100 meV in energy, according to theoretical calculations [3]. In previous studies we found that the transition lines display a Lorentzian shape with a linewidth of 10-20 meV at room temperature, while at lower temperatures the photoluminescence linewidth decreases down to less than 1 meV at 4 K [4]. This can be explained by a lifetime effect due to the interaction of phonons with the hole states in the quantum dot. The hole states only have energy differences in the order of thermal energies at room temperature [3]. Furthermore, we found ring-like emission features in scanning images of individual quantum dots when using uncoated fiber tips [5]. This observation can be assigned to a Stark