The partial photoionization cross sections and angular distributions of the C 1s ' and 0 1s ' singlehole states of CO2 have been measured with high precision near threshold. The 4o. "shape resonance is well reproduced in the 1s single-hole cross sections, but strong site-specific effects are observed with respect to both its energy and intensity. A striking feature of the present data is the presence of fine structure in the 1s single-hole cross sections o. » due to multielectron excitations: virtually all spectral details in the total 1s cross sections o.&, are also present in o. sH implying that multielectron excitations couple strongly to the underlying 1s continuum. The decay dynamics of the double-excitation feature at 303.5 eV in the C 1s cross section of CO2 have been characterized by Auger spectroscopy. Partial cross sections and angular distributions have also been measured for the first group of strong shake-up satellites in the C 1s photoelectron spectrum. Similar to the C 1s ionization of CO, a strong enhancement of intensity near threshold is observed for some satellite channels as well as the occurrence of features that are not present in the sudden limit. The latter are attributed to conjugate shake-up.PACS number(s): 33.80.Eh, 33.60.Fy
I. INTRQDUCTIGNA considerable body of experimental and theoretical work on photoabsorption and photoionization cross sections has shown that resonances and multielectron effects are commonly encountered in core-level excitation of small molecules. In some studies these features have been carefully characterized and provide models for the interpretation of similar efFects in larger molecules [1,2]. The current upsurge of interest in such K-shell properties is due to recently improved instrumentation, in particular high-resolution monochromator s in combination with undulator sources, for absorption and photoelectron spectroscopy experiments, e.g. , [3 -6]. These allow detailed examination of the energetics and dynamics of core-level photoionization.The excitation of a core electron into an unoccupied bound molecular orbital or the continuum is generally accomplished by a strong relaxation of the remaining system of charges. Provided that sufhcient energy is available from the absorbed photon, there is a relatively high probability that a valence electron and vibrations are excited simultaneously with the core electron, giving rise to shake-up satellites in the photoelectron spectra [7 -10] and to vibrational structure in both photoabsorption [3 -5] and photoemission spectra [6,11]. Transitions to unoccupied states accompanied by shake-up often produce characteristic features in the continuum just below the onset of the shake-up satellites seen in the photoelectron spectra and have been referred to as double excitations. In the same energy region, i.e. , within the erst tens 'Present address: Max-Planck-Arbeitsgruppe "Rontgenbeugung, " Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, 10117Berlin, Germany. Present address: Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungslabor at DESY, Notkestralje 85, 22603 Hamb...