The HARP spectrometer that took data at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in 2001 and 2002 had as large-angle detector system a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) surrounded by Resistive Plate Chambers. The design of the TPC, experience with its operation, and its good physics performance are described. The successful recovery from track distortions arising from inhomogeneities of the electric and magnetic fields in the TPC volume is discussed.A. Bolshakova
INTRODUCTIONThe HARP experiment arose from the realization that the differential cross-sections of hadron production in the collisions of low-momentum protons with nuclei were known only within a factor of two to three. Consequently, the HARP spectrometer was designed to carry out a programme of systematic and precise measurements of hadron production by protons and pions with momenta from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. The experiment was performed at the CERN Proton Synchrotron in 2001 and 2002 with a set of targets ranging from hydrogen to lead. With a view to achieving nearly 4π acceptance, the HARP detector combined a large-angle spectrometer with a forward spectrometer. The latter consisted of a dipole magnet and drift chambers for momentum measurement, and a threshold Cherenkov counter, a time-of-flight wall, and an electromagnetic calorimeter for particle identification. The large-angle spectrometer comprised a cylindrical Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and an array of Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) around and behind the TPC. The purpose of the TPC was track reconstruction and particle identification by dE/dx. The purpose of the RPCs was to complement the particle identification by dE/dx by time of flight, especially to distinguish between electrons and pions in the momentum range 150-250 MeV/c where the specific ionization of electrons and pions is too close for their separation.This paper describes the HARP TPC, the experience with its operation, and its physics performance.The TPC had to be designed, constructed and commissioned within a brief period of 17 months. Under this time pressure a few per se minor mishaps occurred which, however, had quite some consequences for the quality of the raw data. Part of this paper is dedicated to the-so we hope-interesting discovery of, and the recovery from, these errors. This paper also sets the record straight with respect to the TPC performance reported in Refs.[1] and [2]. It justifies and details our criticism thereof [3,4].
PERFORMANCE: OBJECTIVES AND RESULTSThe experiment was carried out in the T9 beam of the CERN Proton Synchrotron that had a maximum momentum of p = 15 GeV/c. Thus in the large-angle region, the detector was to handle comfortably transverse momenta up to p T ∼ 2 GeV/c. A, say, 2σ separation (2.3% misidentification probability) between positive and negative charges at p T = 2 GeV/c called for a resolution σ(1/p T ) not worse than about 0.25 (GeV/c) −1 . Table 1 summarizes the key parameters of the TPC, and compares objectives with the achieved results. In later sections, the table entries will be discuss...