We consider the energy of a randomly charged polymer. We assume that only charges on the same site interact pairwise. We study the lower tails of the energy, when averaged over both randomness, in dimension three or more. As a corollary, we obtain the correct temperature-scale for the Gibbs measure.Keywords and phrases: random polymer, large deviations, random walk in random scenery, self-intersection local times.AMS 2000 subject classification numbers: 60K35, 82C22, 60J25.Running head: Lower tails for the energy a polymer.Our toy-model comes from physics, where it is used to model proteins or DNA folding. However, physicists' usual setting differs from ours by three main features. (i) Their polymer is usually quenched: a typical realization of the charges is fixed, and the average is over the walk. (ii) A short-range repulsion is included by considering random walks such as the self-avoiding walk or the directed walk. (iii) The averages are performed with respect to the the so-called Gibbs measure: a probability measure obtained from P 0 by weighting it with exp(βH n ), with real parameter β. When β is positive, the Gibbs measure favors configuration with large energy; in other words, alike charges attract each other: this models hydrophobic interactions, where the effect of avoiding the water solvent is mimicked by an attraction among hydrophobic monomers. When β is negative, alike charges repel: this models Coulomb potential, and describes also the effective repulsion between identical bases of RNA. The issue is whether there is a critical value β c (n), such that as β crosses β c (n), a phase transition occurs. For instance, Garel and Orland [14] observed a phase transition as β crosses a β c (n) ∼ 1/n, from a collapsed shape to a random-walk like shape. Kantor and Kardar [15] discussed the quenched model for the case β < 0, that is when alike charges repel. Some heuristics (dimensional analysis on the continuum version) suggests that the (upper) critical dimension is 2: for d ≥ 3, the polymer looks like a simple random walk, whereas when d < 2, its average end-to-end distance is n ν with ν = 2 d+2 . Let us also mention studies of Derrida, Griffiths and Higgs [11] and Derrida and Higgs [12]: both study the quenched Gibbs measure exp(−βH n )dP 0 , with β > 0, for a one dimensional directed random walkP 0 , and obtain evidence for a phase transition (a so-called weak freezing transition).Our interest stems from recent mathematical works of Chen [8], and Chen and Khoshnevisan [10], dealing with central limit theorems for H n . Chen [8] establishes also an annealed moderate deviation principle, under the additional assumption that E[exp(λη 2 )] < ∞, for some λ > 0. More precisely, with the annealed law denoted P , d ≥ 3, n