I have been incredibly lucky to have the support of many smart and giving people throughout the process of completing this dissertation. First, I must thank my advisor Dr. Shannon Pruden for her support and enthusiasm for the project from the earliest idea of a new measure through the final draft. This project would be much weaker were it not for the guidance of my committee members, Drs. Eliza Nelson, Stefany Coxe, and Virginia Mueller Gathercole. Without the help of other members of my lab, I could not have completed this project. To Paulina Bollat, who provided audio recordings for my measures, and without whom I would not have been able to collect nearly as large a sample. To Daniela Alvarez, Sergio Marquez, and Ariel Aguerro, for your help recruiting participants, compiling materials, and assessing children. Thank you to my grad school friends, Carla Abad, Alina Nazareth, Iris Broce, and Jessica Saunders, who have been an invaluable resource and some of my closest friends. To my parents, Martha Wellbaum and Terrance Odean, my sisters Naomi, Isabel, and Sarah, and my brother-in-law David, who have supported me so much throughout my academic career. Thank you for teaching me to love school and statistics, for reading countless papers and proposals, and for supporting me through rejections and successes. Thank you to my boyfriend, Michael, for his love and patience, and for reminding me that, ultimately, this project would end.