Abstract. The remarkable work of L. G. Brown, R. Douglas and P. Fillmore on operators with compact self-commutators once again ties together algebraic topology and operator theory. This paper gives a comprehensive treatment of certain aspects of that connection and some adjacent topics. In anticipation that both operator theorists and topologists may be interested in this work, additional background material is included to facilitate access.
Introduction. L. G. Brown, R. Douglas and P. Fillmore [14], [15], [16](referred to as BDF) have forged a new link between operator theory and algebraic topology. Given a bounded operator £ G £ with £* £ -££* G %, the compact operators, they define an element [£] lying in an abelian group S\t(X), where X = a^rT) C C is the spectrum of the projection of £into the Calkin algebra 31 = £/9C. This class is zero if and only if £ is a compact perturbation of a normal operator. BDF then prove that &xl(X)=¿É°(C-X),