The article is devoted to the topical issue of analysis and forecasting of the impact of the country's digitalization level on their economic development. This issue is due to the rapid pace of implementation of information and communication technologies to solve various problems of economic entities, which contributes to its development. The study used statistics for 138 countries in 2019. The index of digital development level was used as an indicator that characterizes the degree of development of information and communication technologies and network readiness for countries implementation and application. Analyzing the level of economic development of countries, the eleven most common indicators were selected: gross domestic product, total life expectancy at birth, ease of doing business, inflation, etc. In the first stage, a correlation analysis was conducted, which found that the most correlated indicators are: gross domestic product, vulnerable employment, employees, ease of doing business and overall life expectancy at birth, which also have a high correlation with the digital development index. In the second stage, the application of the principal components method eliminated the multicollinearity between the factors, which reduced the dimensionality of the data. At the next step, the "Elbow method" determined the optimal number of clusters and clustering with the k-means method. The result is clusters of countries, distributed according to the proximity of trends in the level of their digitalization on economic development. At the last stage, models for forecasting the most correlated factors that characterize economic growth in countries, depending on the level of their digitalization, were built. To predict gross domestic product and ease of doing business, the most accurate cubic log, vulnerable employment, number of employees - square, total life expectancy - linear, quadratic and cubic models have the exact estimates. The built models are universal tools for forecasting possible development trends for different world countries.