Unlike random heteropolymers, natural proteins fold into unique ordered structures. Understanding how these are encoded in amino-acid sequences is complicated by energetically unfavourable non-ideal features-for example kinked α-helices, bulged β-strands, strained loops and buried polar groups-that arise in proteins from evolutionary selection for biological function or from neutral drift. Here we describe an approach to designing ideal protein structures stabilized by completely consistent local and non-local interactions. The approach is based on a set of rules relating secondary structure patterns to protein tertiary motifs, which make possible the design of funnel-shaped protein folding energy landscapes leading into the target folded state. Guided by these rules, we designed sequences predicted to fold into ideal protein structures consisting of α-helices, β-strands and minimal loops. Designs for five different topologies were found to be monomeric and very stable and to adopt structures in solution nearly identical to the computational models. These results illuminate how the folding funnels of natural proteins arise and provide the foundation for engineering a new generation of functional proteins free from natural evolution.For proteins to fold, the interactions favouring the native state must collectively outweigh the non-native interactions, resulting in funnel-shaped energy landscapes [1][2][3] . However, it is not obvious how the ubiquitous non-covalent interactions that stabilize proteins-van der © 2012 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reservedCorrespondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.B. (dabaker@u.washington.edu) or G.T.M (guy@cabm.rutgers.edu). * These authors contributed equally to this work.Supplementary Information is available in the online version of the paper.Author Contributions N.K., R.T.-K., G.L., G.T.M. and D.B. designed the research. N.K. performed folding simulations and analysed natural proteins. N.K. wrote program code. N.K. and R.T.-K. performed computational design work: Di-I_5 and Di-IV_5 were designed by N.K., and Di-II_10, Di-III_14 and Di-V_7 were designed by R.T.-K. R.T.-K. expressed, purified and characterized the designed proteins by biochemical assay. R.X. and T.B.A. prepared isotope-enriched protein samples for NMR structure determination. G.L. collected NMR data and determined the solution NMR structures. N.K., R.T.-K., G.L., G.T.M. and D.B. wrote the manuscript.
Author InformationThe NMR structures of the five designs have been deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank under the accession numbers 2KL8 (Di-I_5), 2LV8 (Di-II_10), 2LN3 (Di-III_14), 2LVB (Di-IV_5) and 2LTA (Di-V_7). NMR data have been deposited in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank under the accession numbers 16387 (Di-I_5), 18558 (Di-II_10), 18145 (Di-III_14), 18561 (Di-IV_5) and 18465 (Di-V_7).The authors declare no competing financial interests. Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of the paper.
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