DOI: 10.1080/17496535.2017.1352008
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Sharing Care Responsibilities Between Professionals and Personal Networks in Mental Healthcare: A Plea for Inclusion

Abstract: This positional paper explores the role of personal networks (family and friends) in caring for people with mental health problems. Since the eighties, major changes have been made in the organization and focus of professional mental healthcare. Correspondingly, new expectations and changes in the division of care responsibilities between people with mental health problems, their personal networks and their professional care providers were created. In this paper, I investigate how the transition in mental heal… Show more

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Cited by 9 publications
(13 citation statements)
References 29 publications
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“…It should be noted that, within the process of care, in general, only one of the family members is inserted into the patient's therapeutic project and is a reference to the actions of care that go beyond the space encompassed by the service. This factor may contribute to perpetuate unhealthy practices to family relationships, such as the transfer of responsibilities to a single individual, favouring physical, emotional and psychological damage (Landeweer, ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…It should be noted that, within the process of care, in general, only one of the family members is inserted into the patient's therapeutic project and is a reference to the actions of care that go beyond the space encompassed by the service. This factor may contribute to perpetuate unhealthy practices to family relationships, such as the transfer of responsibilities to a single individual, favouring physical, emotional and psychological damage (Landeweer, ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In this study, the feeling of burden was strongly associated with the outcome (p < 0.001). Among those who expressed some degree of burden, the odds of suicidal ideation was from 2. relationships, such as the transfer of responsibilities to a single individual, favouring physical, emotional and psychological damage (Landeweer, 2018).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This is also reflected, to an extent, in the deinstitutionalization of treatment for mental illness that has developed in Israel, as well as other Western countries, by which primary responsibility for care and support is delegated to individual citizens and their personal networks. This process has been void of negotiation over care responsibilities between mental healthcare providers and the personal networks of people with mental health problems (Landeweer, ).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This suggests that mothering AODD is ‘invisible work’, a term Daniels () coined to characterize types of women’s unpaid labour – such as volunteer work – that are culturally and economically devalued and obscured, fostering inequality and injustice. As put poignantly by Landeweer (), ‘receiving care responsibilities without authority can be considered a form of social injustice. It does not correspond to the value of solidarity’ (p. 10).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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