“…Pem ber ton et al (2001), who re ferred on a sim i lar as sem blage of trace fos sils, placed the suc ces sion con tain ing Thalassinoides, Palaeophycus and Ophiomorpha in the up per off shore, whereas de pos its rich in Ophiomorpha, Macaronichnus in the mid dle-lower shoreface. In com par i son to other nearshore trace fos sils as sem blages (lower shoreface-up per off shore set tings) in clud ing Macaronichnus, Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides, the ma jor ity of them were re corded from the storm-orig i nated de pos its (Frey and Pem ber ton, 1991;MacEachern et al, 1999;Bann and Fieding, 2004;Bann et al, 2004;Gani et al, 2008;Rygel et al, 2008;Schwarz, 2012) or bar set tings (Curran, 1985;Pol lard et al, 1993;Olariu et al, 2012;Sullivan and Sullivan, 2012).…”