We define mixed states associated with submanifolds with probability densities in quantizable closed Kähler manifolds. Then, we address the problem of comparing two such states via their fidelity. Firstly, we estimate the sub-fidelity and super-fidelity of two such states, giving lower and upper bounds for their fidelity, when the underlying submanifolds are two Lagrangian submanifolds intersecting transversally at a finite number of points, in the semiclassical limit. Secondly, we investigate a family of examples on the sphere, for which we manage to obtain a better upper bound for the fidelity. We conclude by stating a conjecture regarding the fidelity in the general case.Souriau [20,27], we define, for any integer k ≥ 1, the quantum state space as the Hilbert space H k = H 0 (M, L ⊗k ) of holomorphic sections of L ⊗k → M 1 ; the semiclassical limit is k → +∞. The quantum observables are Berezin-Toeplitz operators, introduced by Berezin [4], whose microlocal analysis has been initiated by Boutet de Monvel and Guillemin [7], and which have been studied by many authors during the last years (see for instance [8,21,25] and references therein).In this paper, we investigate the problem of quantizing a given submanifold Σ of M , that is constructing a state concentrating on Σ in the semiclassical limit (in a sense that we will precise later). This kind of construction has been achieved for a so-called Bohr-Sommerfeld Lagrangian submanifold Σ, that is Lagrangian manifold with trivial holonomy with respect to the connection induced by ∇ on L k ([6], see also [9]). The state obtained in this case is a pure state whose microsupport is contained in Σ. Such states are useful, for instance, to construct quasimodes for Berezin-Toeplitz operators.Here we adopt a different point of view. We assume that Σ is any submanifold, equipped with a smooth density σ such that Σ σ = 1. Then we construct a mixed state-or rather its density operator-ρ k (Σ, σ) associated with this data, by integrating the coherent states projectors along Σ with respect to σ, see Definition 3.1. We prove that this state cannot be pure, and that it concentrates on Σ in the semiclassical limit. Similar states, the so-called P-representable or classical quantum states, have been considered in the physics literature [16] and have been used recently to explore the links between symplectic displaceability and quantum dislocation [14]; they are obtained by integrating the coherent projectors along M against a Borel probability measure.