For C 2 weak mixing Axiom A flow φt : M −→ M on a Riemannian manifold M and a basic set Λ for φt we consider the Ruelle transfer operator L f −sτ +zg , where f and g are realvalued Hölder functions on Λ, τ is the roof function and s, z ∈ C are complex parameters. Under some assumptions about φt we establish estimates for the iterations of this Ruelle operator in the spirit of the estimates for operators with one complex parameter (see [4], [20], [21]). Two cases are covered: (i) for arbitrary Hölder f, g when | Im z| ≤ B| Im s| µ for some constants B > 0, 0 < µ < 1 (µ = 1 for Lipschitz f, g), (ii) for Lipschitz f, g when | Im s| ≤ B1| Im z| for some constant B > 0 . Applying these estimates, we obtain a non zero analytic extension of the zeta function ζ(s, z) for P f − ǫ < Re(s) < P f and |z| small enough with simple pole at s = s(z). Two other applications are considered as well: the first concerns the Hannay-Ozorio de Almeida sum formula, while the second deals with the asymptotic of the counting function πF (T ) for weighted primitive periods of the flow φt.