In this article, we approximate the invariant distribution $\nu$ of an ergodic Jump Diffusion driven by the sum of a Brownian motion and a Compound Poisson process with sub-Gaussian jumps. We first construct an Euler discretization scheme with decreasing time steps.
This scheme is similar to those introduced by Lamberton and Pagès in \cite{lamb:page:02} for a Brownian diffusion and extended by Panloup in \cite{panl:08:AAP} to a diffusion with Lévy jumps.
We obtain a non-asymptotic \textit{quasi} Gaussian (asymptotically Gaussian) concentration bound for the difference between the invariant distribution and the empirical distribution computed with the scheme of decreasing time step along appropriate test functions $f$ such that $f-\nu(f)$ is is a coboundary of the infinitesimal generator.