Abstract. In this paper, based on the local comparison principle in [12], we study the local behavior of the difference of two spacelike graphs in a neighborhood of a second contact point. Then we apply it to the constant mean curvature equation in 3-dimensional LorentzMinkowski space L 3 and get the uniqueness of critical point for the solution of such equation over convex domain, which is an analogue of the result in [28]. Last, by this uniqueness, we obtain a minimum principle for a functional depending on the solution and its gradient. This gives us a sharp gradient estimate for the solution, which leads to a sharp height estimate.
IntrodutionSpacelike constant mean curvature(CMC) hypersurfaces and CMC foliation play an important role in general relativity. Such surfaces are important because they provide Riemannian submanifolds with properties which reflect those of the spacetime. For example, if the weak energy condition is satisfied, then a maximal hypersurface has positive scalar curvature. So the geometric properties of such hypersurfaces are worth researching. In particular, the existence of such hypersurface is a fundamental problem. Under the graph setting and some assumptions, Robert Bartnik and Leon Simon[4] got a sufficient and necessary condition for the existence ofwhere div stands for divergence operator in the Euclidean plane R n andIn particular, the Theorem 3.6 in [4] gives us a solution u ∈ C ∞ (Ω) toover a bounded C 2,α domain Ω with H being a positive constant. In this case, they pointed out that ν n+1 =