This paper addresses the focusing cubic-quintic nonlinear Schrödinger equation in three space dimensions. Especially, we study the global dynamics of solutions whose energy and mass equal to those of the ground state in the sprits of Duyckaerts and Merle [14]. When we try to obtain the corresponding results of [14], we meet several difficulties due to the cubic-quintic nonlinearity. We overcome them by using the one-pass theorem (no return theorem) developed by Nakanishi and Schlag [38].In this paper, we address the threshold solution to (1.1). To state our results, we putClearly, we have BA ω = BA ω,− ∪ BA ω,0 ∪ BA ω,+ . We see from Proposition 2.1 below that BA ω,0 = e iθ Q ω : θ ∈ R .(1.10)In addition, we can easily find that the sets BA ω,± and BA ω,0 are invariant under the flow of (1.1) (see e.g. Lemma 4.2 below). Then, by a similar argument to [14], we can construct the following special solutions to (1.1):Theorem 1.2. There exists a sufficiently small ω * > 0 such that for ω ∈ (0, ω * ), (1.1) has two radial solutions Q + ω ∈ BA ω,+ and Q − ω ∈ BA ω,− satisfying the following:(i) Q ± ω exists on [0, ∞), and there exist constants e ω , C ω > 0 such that