In this paper, we consider the Lamé operator −∆ * and study resolvent estimate, uniform Sobolev estimate, and Carlman estimate for −∆ * . First, we obtain sharp L p -L q resolvent estimates for −∆ * for admissible p, q. This extends the particular case q = p p−1 due to Cossetti [6]. Secondly, we show failure of uniform Sobolev estimate and Carlman estimate for −∆ * . Our approach is different from that in [6] which relies heavily on the Helmholtz decomposition. Instead, we directly analyze the Fourier multiplier of the resolvent. This direct approach allows us to prove not only the upper bound but also the lower bound on the resolvent, so we get the sharp L p -L q bounds for the resolvent of −∆ * . Strikingly, the relevant uniform Sobolev and Carleman estimates turn out to be false for the Lamé operator −∆ * even though the uniform resolvent estimates for −∆ * are valid for certain range of p, q. This contrasts with the classical result regarding the Laplacian ∆ due to Kenig, Ruiz, and Sogge [21] in which the uniform resolvent estimate plays crucial role in proving the uniform Sobolev and Carlman estimates for ∆. We also describe locations of the L q -eigenvalues of −∆ * + V with complex potential V by making use of the sharp L p -L q resolvent estimates for −∆ * .