A classic question in cognitive psychology concerns the nature of memory search in short-term recognition. Despite its long history of investigation, however, there is still no consensus on whether memory search takes place serially or in parallel or is based on global access. In the present investigation, we formalize a variety of models designed to account for detailed response time distribution data in the classic Sternberg (Science 153: 652-654, 1966) memory-scanning task. The models vary in their mental architectures (serial exhaustive, parallel self-terminating, and global access). Furthermore, the component processes within the architectures that make match/mismatch decisions are formalized as linear ballistic accumulators (LBAs). In fast presentation rate conditions, the parallel and global access models provide far better accounts of the data than does the serial model. LBA drift rates are found to depend almost solely on the lag between study items and test probes, whereas response thresholds change with memory set size. Under slow presentation rate conditions, even simple versions of the serial-exhaustive model provide accounts of the data that are as good as those of the parallel and global access models. We provide alternative interpretations of the results in our General Discussion.Keywords Short term memory . Response time models . Math modeling and model selection . Serial position functionsIn this article, we revisit and examine from a new perspective the Sternberg (1966) short-term memory-scanning paradigm, perhaps the most venerable of all recognition memory response time (RT) tasks. In the Sternberg paradigm, participants are presented with a brief list of study items (the memory set), followed by a test item (the probe). The task is to judge, as rapidly as possible while minimizing errors, whether the probe is a member of the memory set. Sternberg's classic result was that mean RT was an approximately linearly increasing function of memory set size. Furthermore, the slope of the mean RT function for positive probes (i.e., probes that are members of the memory set) was equal to the slope for negative probes. This pattern of results led Sternberg to suggest his classic serial-exhaustive model of short-term memory search. Sternberg's (1966) article set into motion the modern study of memory-based information processing. Since the publication of his article, the original paradigm and variants of the paradigm have been tested innumerable times, and a wide variety of different mathematical models have been developed to account for performance in the task (for a review of many of these models, see Townsend & Ashby, 1983).Despite the wide variety of different formal models of short-term memory search that have been considered, it is surprising that there have been relatively few attempts to contrast them by considering their ability to account for RT distribution data. Indeed, we are not aware of any studies that have engaged in competitive testing of fully parameterized versions of the m...