The in¯uence of precipitates on the development of microstructure and crystallographic texture during cold rolling was investigated in particlecontaining Al± Cu and Al± Mn single crystals with the initial orientations (011)[100], …011 †‰21 · 1Š and …112 †‰11 · 1Š. Analysis of the X-ray rolling textures yielded broad scatter of the initial orientations around axes close to the transverse direction. By means of microstructural investigations and local orientation measurements in the transmission electron microscope this scatter could be attributed to the disturbed volumes around the particles, the so-called deformation zones. The evolution of the deformation zones as well as their impact on the rolling texture is discussed. In particular, the orientation correlation between deformation zones and matrix is analysed and the in¯uence of diOE erent particle morphologies is addressed. Figure 3. Precipitates in the undeformed crystals ({111} plane; optical microscopy; electropolished samples). (a) Al± 1.8 wt% Cu; (b) Al± 1.3 wt% Mn.