von Willebrand factor (VWF) binding to platelets under high fluid shear is an important step regulating atherothrombosis. We applied light and small angle neutron scattering to study the solution structure of human VWF multimers and protomer. Results suggest that these proteins resemble prolate ellipsoids with radius of gyration (R g ) of ϳ75 and ϳ30 nm for multimer and protomer, respectively. The ellipsoid dimensions/radii are 175 ؋ 28 nm for multimers and 70 ؋ 9.1 nm for protomers. Substructural repeat domains are evident within multimeric VWF that are indicative of elements of the protomer quarternary structure (16 nm) and individual functional domains (4.5 nm). Amino acids occupy only ϳ2% of the multimer and protomer volume, compared with 98% for serum albumin and 35% for fibrinogen. VWF treatment with guanidine⅐HCl, which increases VWF susceptibility to proteolysis by ADAMTS-13, causes local structural changes at length scales <10 nm without altering protein R g . Treatment of multimer but not protomer VWF with random homobifunctional linker BS 3 prior to reduction of intermonomer disulfide linkages and Western blotting reveals a pattern of dimer and trimer units that indicate the presence of stable intermonomer non-covalent interactions within the multimer. Overall, multimeric VWF appears to be a loosely packed ellipsoidal protein with non-covalent interactions between different monomer units stabilizing its solution structure. Local, and not large scale, changes in multimer conformation are sufficient for ADAMTS-13-mediated proteolysis.von Willebrand factor (VWF) 2 is a large, multidomain glycoprotein that is present in human blood and in secretory granules of endothelial cells and platelets (1-3). This protein occurs both as a protomer and in multimeric form. The ϳ500-kDa protomer consists of two identical monomer subunits linked at the C terminus by disulfide bonds. Linear multimers formed by cysteine-cysteine linkages near the N terminus result in a molecular mass of Ͼ10,000 kDa.VWF serves many functions. The binding of surface-immobilized VWF to platelet receptor GpIb␣ results in intermolecular bonds with high tensile strength (4, 5). This molecular interaction allows platelet capture at sites of vascular injury under high fluid shear conditions. The binding of plasma VWF to platelet receptor GpIb␣ under high hydrodynamic shear also leads to platelet activation and subsequent platelet arrest (6). Various mutations in VWF result in the bleeding defects that characterize von Willebrand disease (1). In blood, VWF binding to pro-coagulation factor VIII increases factor VIII lifetime in circulation. Finally, the size of VWF and its response to fluid flow are key determinants in regulating protein function under physiological and pathological conditions. In support of this, the life threatening systemic illness thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is attributed to the presence of very large VWF multimers, which are caused by the malfunction or absence of a metalloprotease termed ADAMTS-13 ("a disintegr...