The equilibrium mechanical response of nematic elastomers can be soft or hard depending on the relation between the imposed strains and the nematic director, in particular, if the local nematic director is able to respond by rotating. The dynamical response proves to be equally unusual. We examine the linear dynamic mechanical response of monodomain nematic elastomers under shear and the aspects of time-temperature superposition of the dynamical data across phase-transition regions. In the low-frequency region of the master curves, one finds a dramatic reduction of rubber plateau modulus and the rise in internal dissipation: in the shear geometries compatible with dynamic soft elasticity. Power-law variation of the storage modulus with frequency G' proportional, variant omega(a) agrees very well with the results of static stress relaxation, where each relaxation curve obeys the analogous power law G' proportional, variant t(-a) in the corresponding region of long times and temperatures.