The current paper relates the state of art of the construction of viaducts with movable 14 scaffolding system (MSS). Two different procedures are introduced: the traditional sequence 15 and the new sequence applied to some viaducts in Spain. The traditional sequence consists in a 16 first casting phase that is formed by the bottom flange and webs and a second casting phase that 17 is formed by the top flange of the deck. Once the first and second casting phases are completed, 18 the total prestressing force is introduced. The new sequence consists in a first casting phase of 19 self-supporting core that is formed by the bottom flange, webs and only a portion of the top 20 flange, and a second casting phase that is formed by the central zone of the top flange. As soon 21 as the self-supporting core is completed, a partial prestressing force is introduced so that the 22 scaffolding can advance to the next span. Both sequences are described with their constructive 23 peculiarities and issues. 24 25