The current era is a modern age. In today's era of rising urbanization has become condition of making multistorey building in adverse conditions like in mountainous region. As Earthquake is a natural disaster and can put lethal impact on hilly regions, to reduce the impact of the earthquake some earthquake resistant techniques comes into existence. The shear wall is one of them which provided lateral strength and stiffness to building against earthquake and wind forces. In the present paper 4 model of G+5 story concrete wall-frame building taken with identical position of shear wall, model one is a conventional building on flat ground and remaining three models built at ground slope of 22º, 27º and 31º respectively. The effluence caused by earthquake force act along slope direction has been studied in all four models. The story shear has taken as measure of study and all the external conditions are identical, except size of shear wall and ground slope. Linear static analysis has been done using SAP: 2000 software.1) Graph (1) is output result of model (1) in form of story shear 2) Graph (2) is output result of model (2) in form of story shear 3) Graph (3) is output result of model (3) in form of story shear 4) Graph (4) is output result of model (4) in form of story shearThe relation between story shear at different stories for 3 different size of shear wall has shown above in all four graphs. Following outputs (story shear) are based on worst load combination On comparing carefully the appropriate results, it is clear that the variation in story shear with different stories (0 to 5 th ) is changes variably. The building on flat ground (model-1) have less story shear induced and model (2), (3) and (4) have noticeable results. When ground slope has 22º (model-2) and 27º (model-3) the variation in story shear was gradual and certain but as ground slope reaches to 31º (model-4), the story shear was relatively less but uncertain. Finally on discussing, the appropriate location of shear wall is effectively working in all three models (i.e. model (1), (2)and (3)) and out of these three models, model (4) is more effective and efficient for greater slope criteria.VI. CONCLUSION A. A Story shear encountered for model (1) (i.e. flat ground condition) is very less and have extreme safe for story shear criteria. B. 9% reduction has been estimated in average story shear in model (4) with respect to model (2). C. 4% reduction has been estimated in average story shear in model (3) with respect to model (2). D. 15.2% and 5.4% reduction in average story shear of lower stories have been seen in 1.5m and 1.0m wide shear wall compare with 0.5m wall. E. Presented location of shear wall (i.e. DD*) working effectively at 31º ground slope. F. The shear wall of size 0.25m*1.5m has been working effectively in all three ground slopes (22 º, 27 º and 31 º). G. Hence model (4) with 1.5m wide shear wall (when ground slope is 31 º) is most favourable case for presented (i.e. DD* location) position of shear wall.