Let K be a finite extension of Q p and let X be Drinfel d's symmetric space of dimension d over K. Let Γ ⊂ SL d+1 (K) be a cocompact discrete (torsionfree) subgroup and let X Γ = Γ\X, a smooth projective K-variety. In this paper we investigate the de Rham and log crystalline (log convergent) cohomology of local systems on X Γ arising from K[Γ]modules. (I) We prove the monodromy weight conjecture in this context. To do so we work out, for a general strictly semistable proper scheme of pure relative dimension d over a cdvr of mixed characteristic, a rigid analytic description of the d-fold iterate of the monodromy operator acting on de Rham cohomology. (II) In cases of arithmetical interest we prove the (weak) admissibility of this cohomology (as a filtered (φ, N )module) and the degeneration of the relevant Hodge spectral sequence. download from IP or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see http://www.ams.org/license/jour-dist-license.pdf 152 E. GROSSE-KLÖNNE (a) Let X be the natural strictly semistable G-equivariant formal O Kscheme underlying X, let X Γ = Γ\X. Let M be a K[Γ]-module with dim K (M ) < ∞. The associated Γ-equivariant constant sheaf M on the rigid space X, respectively the formal scheme X (in its Zariski topology), descends to a locally constant sheaf M Γ on X Γ (or even a local system, in the ordinary topological sense, on the Berkovich analytic space associated with X Γ ), respectively on the formal scheme X Γ . (Thus M Γ does not mean the subspace of Γ-invariants, or its associated constant sheaf, of the abstractAs these complexes have interesting global cohomology only in middle degree d, our central object of study is the de Rham cohomology groupendowed with additional structure elements as follows.(i) There is a covering spectral sequence