The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and BioTrade are fundamental to address socio-environmental challenges and promote sustainable development. This study assessed the level of knowledge of the SDGs among students, faculty, and administrative staff of the Universidad Regional Amazónica Ikiam (URAI) using a validated survey and also analyzed Ikiam’s contribution to the fulfillment of the SDGs. Through a qualitative analysis of interviews with experts, a SWOT matrix was designed to understand the status of BioTrade, and strategies were proposed to improve the understanding of the relationship between BioTrade and SDG compliance. The results showed that there is limited knowledge of the SDGs, with significant variations between groups. Also, it was shown that the SDGs to which the university population is most related, according to the area to which they are linked, are SDG 3, SDG 4, SDG 6, and SDG 11, while the greatest contribution of Ikiam to the SDGs is made through research and outreach projects. On the other hand, it was shown that the main limitation faced by BioTrade is the lack of knowledge of this initiative in the population, so it is important that academia promotes the strategies proposed to promote the fulfillment of SDGs through effective tools such as BioTrade.