The effect of industrial crossbreeding on the productive qualities of purebred Tsigai and Romanov sheep breeds was investigated. The following indicators were studied: the survival of the young for the period from birth to their weaning; dynamics of live weight of sheep and goats in the corresponding age periods (at birth, at 2-, 4-, 6,5-month age); meat productivity; wool productivity and sheepskin quality.
The lambs and suckers were found to have live weight at birth of 3.9 and 4.2 kg respectively, which is 8.3 and 7.6 % higher than in purebred lambs. The difference in live weight of local and purebred lambs is statistically significant (P>0,999).The average daily growth for the whole period in the local sheep was 192 g, in the fossa 171 g, which is 4.3 and 4.9 % respectively more than in purebred peers.
It is proved that the local young is characterized by better viability: the preservation of lambs to beating was 132.2 % against 115.3 % in purebreds.
It was studied that the mass of chilled carcass in purebred lambs was 14.14 kg, and in domestic 14.3% more (P>0,999). It was investigated that animals in the experimental group had an average of 12.49 kg of flesh in the carcass, which is 77.3 % by weight of the carcass. In purebred lambs these figures are respectively 10.52 kg or 74.4 %. The difference in the pulp mass between the carcasses of the study groups was 1.97 kg or 18.7% (P>0.999). The fat content of the mixture was superior to pure-bred animals, resulting in a higher calorie content of 8.34 %.
Proven lambs during fattening were shown to have a greater increase in live weight compared to purebred by 13.6%. At the same time, they consumed less feed units by 4.7 %.
In terms of the original dirty wool, the highest indices were in the local brightnesses. Along with this, they also outperformed purebred animals by 2.48 kg, or 10.7%. It should be noted that in Romanov sheep, as a rule, fluff is exaggerated. This trend is preserved in the received mixes. The difference in the length of the down and the bones was 32.2 % (P>0,999). It is noted that the area of sheep sheep of the experimental group was more control by 7.4 % (P>0.95) and amounted to 84.0 dm2. The same pattern was observed in the area of exposed sheepskin.
Key words: wool, lamb, sheepskin, live weight, viability, lambs, Romanov breed, Tsigai breed.