“…The combination of PRF with cell therapy has shown promising results. In particular, the addition of PRF to human‐cultured bone‐derived periosteal sheet (Horimizu, Kubota, Kawase, Nagata & Kobayashi, ) and the addition of PRF to sheets of MSCs or to a composite of MSCs and nanoscale HA (Wang et al., ; Wang, Li, Guo, et al., ) increased the amount of regenerated bone in calvarial CSDs. The combination of MSCs with an autologous platelet‐rich fibrin glue and GBR in dog mandibular defects was also associated with significant more bone regeneration in comparison to empty defects, defects treated with GBR or with a combination of MSCs and platelet‐rich fibrin glue at 16 weeks (Liao, Chen, Chen, Chen & Tsai, ).…”