The excited states of 25 Mg with the hyperon in p orbit are studied within the framework of the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for hypernuclei. We obtained five rotational bands in 25 Mg in which the hyperon in p orbit is coupled to the ground and K π = 2 + bands of 24 Mg. We predict that the corresponding bands of 25 Mg energetically split due to the triaxial deformation of the core nucleus 24 Mg and the spatial anisotropy of the p orbits of . Since a hyperon is unaffected by the Pauli principle governing the nucleons, it can be regarded as an impurity in nuclei and modifies nuclear properties such as clustering and deformation. For example, a hyperon in s orbit reduces the intercluster distance between α and d in 7 Li, which was confirmed from the reduction of B(E2) [1][2][3][4]. Furthermore, many authors have predicted the deformation change in p-sd shell hypernuclei by adding the hyperon in s orbit [1,2,[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19].In the case of the hyperon in p orbit, on which we focus in this study, it can be regarded as a probe of nuclear deformation due to its spatial anisotropy. For example, in 9 Be, the splitting of the p states was predicted due to the axial symmetric deformation (2α clustering) of 8 Be [5,20]. Namely, the hyperon in p orbit generates two rotational bands in which moves along the parallel and perpendicular directions of the 2α clustering [20]. In other words, the anisotropy of the p orbit and axially symmetric deformation of 8 Be lead to the splitting of the p states. From this fact, we may deduce that the p states will split into three in the case of triaxial deformation, and we can probe triaxial deformation of the core nucleus by the observation of three different p states in hypernuclei. 24 Mg is one of the candidates of triaxially deformed nuclei with the presence of the low-lying 2 + 2 state [21][22][23][24][25][26]. Therefore, we expect that the p states of 25 Mg will split into three with different spatial density distribution of the hyperon. To investigate the splitting of p states of 25 Mg and its relation to triaxial deformation, we have employed the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for hypernuclei (HyperAMD) [27]. The HyperAMD with generator coordinate method (GCM) has been successfully applied to investigate the excitation spectra and B(E2) values of 25 Mg with the hyperon in s orbit [28]. The Hamiltonian used in this study is given aŝHere,T N ,T , andT g are the kinetic energies of nucleons, a hyperon, and the center-of-mass motion, respectively. We have used the Gogny D1S The intrinsic wave function of a single hypernucleus composed of A nucleons and a hyperon is described by the parity-projected wave function, π =P π int , whereP π is the parity projector and int is the intrinsic wave function given as where φ i is ith nucleon single-particle wave packet consisting of spatial, spin χ i , and isospin η i parts. The single-particle wave function of (ϕ) is represented by a superposition of